Thursday, 5 December 2013



"Miranda Prorsus" is not the name of a person, but of a papal document, and means something like 'quite amazing [things]'. This encyclical by Pope Pius XII dealt with advances in media technology -  Motion Pictures, Radio and Television - and can be found on . The Popes of the early twentieth century were very receptive to the positive aspects of the new technology (unlike some Church of England clergy, who opposed broadcasting church services on the wireless in case men listened to them in pubs with their hats on, or so the story goes). 
Shameful scene of men in pub listening to 'The Daily Service' with their hats on.
I think Pius XII would welcome the invention of the blog as a new apostolate, but I am afraid that my Miranda Prorsus will have no such elevated aim. Rather, I shall try to put into words my impressions of what I find are  miranda prorsus - the amazing (or, more likely, the entertaining) things I see day by day. Some of these will be about religion, because that is something important to me, but other things, inevitably, will find a place. Are you sitting comfortably? Then I'll begin.

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